A Treaty of Peace Between the United States and Spain. [Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting a Treaty of Peace Between the United States and Spain, Signed at the City of Paris, on December 10, 1898]… John Hay and William McKinley


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Author: Senate, 55th Congress

Publisher: The Government Printing Office in Washington.

Year: 1899 [1898]

Size: 23 x 18 cm, 8vo



677 pp, hard cover, cloth.

published by The Government Printing Office in Washington. D.C.: US Congress, 55th Congress. Doc. No. 62, Part I. First official printing before it was ratified by Senate in Feb. 1899., “January 13, 1899 ordered printed”.


light scuffing, ex libris with library stamps on spine, inside front & rear covers, and on foredges, corners bumped.

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