Aux Philippines 1) Général Lawton. 2) Insurgés et leurs chefs à Malolos. 3) Les environs d’Ilo-ilo. 4) Aguinaldo, président de la République des Philippines. 5) Agoncillo, représentant des Philippines à Washington. 6) Quartier général d’Aguinaldo à San-Fernando. 7) Général Otis, commandant des forces américaines à Manille. 8) La ville de Cebu. 9) Statue Commémorative de l’Indépendance des Philippines, à San-Fernando.


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Author: M.F. Juven [editor], various

Publisher: published in Paris.

Year: 1899

Size: 24.8 x 21 cm

Reference: Lietz: The Philippines in the 19th Century, p.163


photoprint, text in verso.

Full page with 9 titles from ‘La Vie Illustrée’ No. 13 – deuxième Année – Journal Hebdomadaire, p.158. This French illustrated weekly, published in Paris, only survived from 1898-1911; the founder Félix Juven made extensive use of photography. In 1900-1901, he merged it with L’Univers Illustré, bought from the publisher Calmann Lévy. Its 20-32 pages sold every Thursday priced at 30 cents and contained more than 70% photograph reproductions printed in halftone, primarily French and international news. Printed by de Vaugirard, G. deMalherbe, Directeur, Paris.


Very good to excellent condition.

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