Spanien 1. Die Asiatischen Kolonien Die Philippinen. 2. Die Guineainseln
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hand-coloured lithograph map. EXTREMELY RARE.
Double map from ‘Atlas von Europa nebst den Kolonien …’, published by the G. J. Göschen’sche Leipzig, shows 2 maps on 1 sheet of the former Spanish colonies in Asia and Africa: on the left the Philippines; to the right the islands in the Gulf of Guinea (Biafra Bay): Bioko (I. Fernando Poo), Tinhoso Pequena (Prince Island), São Tomé (I. St. Thomas) and San Antonio de Palé (I. Annabon).
Georg Joachim Göschen (1752-1828) was a German publisher and bookseller in Leipzig, notable for typography and his publications of music and philosophy. He was the patriarch of the Goschen family, whose English branch rose to prominence as bankers and politicians. In 1785, with the financial backing of Christian Gottfried Körner, Göschen opened his own publishing house in Leipzig, the G. J. Göschen’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. His first major client was Körner’s friend Friedrich Schiller, who was looking for someone to publish his journal Thalia. Göschen published numerous works for Schiller, including Don Carlos in 1787 and Geschichte des dreißigjährigen Kriegs (A History of the Thirty Years’ War) in 1789.