Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution……Year Ended June 30, 1899 [containing a.o.] 1. List of Native Tribes of the Phils. and of the Languages Spoken By Them. 2. The Peopling of the Philippines.


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Author: Smithsonian Institute / Ferdinand Blumentritt / Rudolf Virchow

Publisher: Smithsonian Institution, Washington, Government Printing Office, Washington.

Year: 1901

Size: 23.4 x 16 cm, 8vo

SKU: 12665 Category:


672 pp, hardbound in original green cloth with 88 plates (1 folding) from photos, drawings, facsimiles, etc., and 2 folding original colour maps including “Blumentritt’s Ethnographic Map of the Philippines”.
Important report for the year ending June 30, 1899 containing two substantive articles on the Philippines.


very good condition, slightly scuffed, tight block, maps in excellent condition.

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