An Accurate Map of Manila, & the rest of the Philippine Islands taken by Adm.l Cornish & Col. Draper Nov.r 6th 1762


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Author: anonymous

Publisher: published in Edinburgh.

Year: 1763 [April]

Size: 16.7 x 9.5 cm

Reference: Quirino p. 65, 95; Blair & Robertson, vol. XLIX, p. 35; Lietz, Insulae Indiae Orientalis, 36th IMCoS Symposium Manila 2018, Gallery of Prints & Ayala Museum, p.32


copper engraving, EXTREMELY RARE map from the ‘The Scots Magazine.

Enclosed with its news article on the British Invasion of Manila and other parts of Luzon.
One of the very few maps issued by the British at the time of their conquest and occupation of Manila – an event that is not commonly known in both the UK and the Philippines.- it uses the seminal map of Murillo Velarde as the basis although it also shows the non-existing Island of St. John East of Mindanao which Murillo does not.


very good.

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