India Extrema XIX Nova Tabula


Author: Münster, Sebastian [Muenster/Munster]

Publisher: Heinrich 'Petri in Basel.

Year: c 1540

Size: 25.8 x 34.7 cm

Reference: Quirino, p. 74; Yeo: Mapping the Continent of Asia: p.9, #2 + rear cover; Moreland/Bannister: Antique Maps, pp.78,81, 82; Parry, The Cartography of the East Indian Islands, pp.65-68, pl.3.8


hand coloured wood engraving.

VERY RARE map from “Geographia Universalis” (Latin ed,), Sebastian Münster, [Muenster / Munster] (1489-1552) probably had the widest influence in spreading geographical knowledge throughout. First map of a German cartographer to identify a Philippine Island: Puloan [Palawan], and the rarest of the various editions..


with professionally backed centrefold, text verso: India Nova, with coloured vignettes.

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