Nieuwe Kaart van de Filippynsche, Ladrones, Moluccos of Specery Eilanden, als mede Celebes etc. [New Map of the Philippine, Marianas, Moluccos or Spice Islands, as well as Celebes etc.]


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Author: Isaak Tirion

Publisher: Tirion in Amsterdam.

Year: 1744

Size: 28.7 x 33.3 cm

Reference: Quirino, pp. 90/92
SKU: 58502 Category: Tag:


original hand-colour copper engraving map from ‘Nieuwe en beknopte Hand-Atlas, bestaande in eene Verzameling van eenige der algemeenste en noodigste Landkaarten’ [New and Concise Hand Atlas, Consisting of a Collection of some of the most General and Necessary Maps].

Published by the Dutch publisher Isaak Tirion (1705-1765) in Amsterdam ca. 1759 (though the printed title reads 1744). His maps are mostly based on Guilaume Delisle – also de L’Isle – (1675-1726), the French cartographer known for his popular and accurate maps of Europe and the New World.
Tirion was more of a bookseller and publisher than a geographer or cartographer. But he must have done very well by the cartographer under his employ as his maps excel in style and exactness.


with centerfold as issued, darkening along centerfold and left and right margins, cleaned.

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