Special Places of the World. Manhattan. Produced by the Cartographic Division. National Geographic Society


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Author: John Jr. B. Garver [litho] / William Graves [ed.] / Gilbert M. Grosvenor

Publisher: National Geographic Society, Washington.

Year: 1990 [September]

Size: 79.8 x 25.5 cm [map], 20 x 12.8 cm [folded]

SKU: 64445 Category:


vintage original colour lithograph map from ‘The National Geographic Magazine’; page 54A, September 1990, Vol. 178, No. 3 – Manhattan. An excellent map for both residents and visitors providing information about Manhattan and New York City. On the Manhattan side of the map, in block by block detail, neighborhoods are identified and described. Major buildings and landmarks are numbered for easy location. The verso-side provides information about contrasts in income, population density, and ethnic diversity.


folded, SCARCE in excellent condition.

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