The Sooloo Archipelago Laid down chiefly from Observations in 1761, 1762, 1763, & 1764 [insets]: 1) Toolyan Bay, by Mr. James Rennel. 2) Sooloo Road


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Author: Alexander Dalrymple / W. Whitchurch [engr. writings] / B. Henry [engr.] / D. Lerpeniere [etching of hills]

Publisher: Alexander Dalrymple in London.

Year: 1771

Size: 46.5 x 61.5 cm, insets: 1) 15.2 x 24 cm, 2) 15.2 x 12.9 cm

Reference: not in Quirino; PA 543 vol. 3 - 33
SKU: 64585 Category: Tags: ,


copper engraving.

Important map of this area by Dalrymple, from ‘General Introduction to the Charts…’, pl. 56; published by Alexander Dalrymple in London and subsequently in “Le Neptune Oriental” by d’Après de Mannevillette.


with centrefold as issued, very good condition.

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