Vertooning van de kust vant Eyland Luconia digt by Manila.’ & ‘t Eyland Pulo Condore op 8 mylen van t land’. [Relief of the coast of Luconia Island nearby Manila & Map of Pulo Condore Island 8 miles away from the coast]


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Author: Guillaume [William] Dampier

Publisher: Abraham de Hondt in Hague.

Year: 1698

Size: 16.3 x 13.9 cm

Reference: not in Quirino. (only Manila plate); Sabin 18381 und 18382. - Cox I, 43-44. Griep/Luber 308. Henze II, 14f.
SKU: 64415 Category: Tags: , ,


hand-coloured copper engraving.

EXTREMELY RARE map from the 1698 Dutch edition of William Sewel’s translation of William Dampier’s travelogue: Nieuwe Reystogt rondom de Werreld’ (A New Voyage Round the World, first published in 1697), p.290.
Pulo Condore is the Malay name for Con Son Island, just off the coast of Vietnam/Cambodia. Luconia possibly refers to the Lubang Islands off the coast of the Philippines.
Dampier (1652-1715) was an English. navigator/buccaneer, one of the first to round Cape Horn and the first to circumnavigate the world three times. He rescued Alexander Selkirk from Juan Fernandez Island during one of his voyages, which inspired Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe.


Very good to excellent condition.

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