AAF Cloth Chart – Philippine Series No. C-41, Mindoro Island [Mindoro & Palawan Islands, Sulu Sea] inset: [Palawan] No. C-42, Samar Island [VERSO] [South Luzon, Samar & Visayan Islands]


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Author: Army Air Forces, by the Aeronautical Chart Service

Publisher: Prepared under the direction of the Commanding General, Army Air Forces, by the Aeronautical Chart Service, Washington, D. C.

Year: 1944 [April]

Size: 57 x 44.3 cm (20 x 25"), inset: 19.7 x 17.3 cm



silk, on both sides in original colour, EXTREMELY RARE two-sided World War II silk colour escape map of the Philippines and the South China Sea, part of an escape kit issued to American pilots in the area. C-41 escape map showing the area from Mindoro down to the Calamian island group, the Cabulauan Islands, and most of Palawan Island, with an inset of the southern end of Palawan Island. Showing rivers, mountain ranges, formed roads, boundaries, railroads, power transmission lines, cities, rivers, and spot elevation. C-42 escape map on verso with South China Sea and the Philippines in the area of Luzon down to Panay, Negros, Cebu and Bohol islands. Showing winds and ocean currents in either red or green, depending on the season of the year.


very clean and bright, old folds. Overall very good condition.

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