Insulae Philippinae – Islas de los Ladrones…


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Author: Johann David Zunner [after Nicolas Sanson d'Abbeville]

Publisher: Johann David Zunner in Frankfurt.

Year: 1679 [1667]

Size: 19.4 x 24.9 cm

Reference: this edition not in Quirino; Quirino, p.82 [with privilege], Phillips #17 p. 83 [Peyrounin ed.], not in Phillips; p. 86 [Winter, NL ed.], Phillips #20; p. 87 [Halma ed.], Phillips #31; R. Shirley: Maps in the atlases of the British Library, T-SAN-4a
SKU: 62596 Category: Tags: ,


hand-coloured copper engraving. EXTREMELY RARE.

This is the very difficult to find map. Latin Cartouche of the Philippines; after the original French edition; from ‘ L’Asie en Plusieures Cartes Nouvelles…’; prepared by N. Sanson and published by Pierre Mariette, Paris.
The original French Sanson atlas proved popular and the maps were imitated by Johann Zunner in Frankfurt (1679) and by Joannes Ribbius and Francois Halma (1682-1730s).


with 2 small hinge remnants on upper margin, cleaned.

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