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Philippinae Insulae


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Author: Petrus Bertius / Jodocus Hondius

Publisher: Jodocus Hondius in Amsterdam.

Year: c. 1616 [1598]

Size: 9.5 x 13.7 cm

Reference: unrecorded - not in Quirino, but similar to Kaerius p. 78; Antique Maps, pp.104-6; Koeman II, LAN 13A, Sabin 5014; Suarez, S.E.A. p. 188; Lietz, Insulae Indiae Orientalis, 36th IMCoS Symposium Manila 2018, Gallery of Prints & Ayala Museum, p.13


copper engraving.

EXTREMELY RARE map from ‘Tabularum Geographicum’ Chapter: ‘Descriptio Philippinarum’, first Latin edition. The second version of the oldest map showing the Philippines alone. The Kaerius map was redrawn: Palawan now angled.


Excellent condition.

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