1) La Escolta, principale rue de la ville marchande. 2) Le fleuve Pasig. 3) Une Espagnole de Manille. 4) Un marchè aux environs de Manille.


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Author: Victor Alerice

Publisher: Published in Paris.

Year: 1898 [28 Sept.]

Size: 1) 12.7 x 10 cm, 2) 12.5 x 10.4 cm, 3) 10 x 7 cm, 4) 10.2 x 11.9 cm, overall: 31 x 22.8 cm page

Reference: George Fronval, Le Journal des Voyages, Phénix, no 3, 1967, p. 44-46. Le Rocambole n° 5, Le Journal des Voyages, I, aut. 1998. Marie Pawleska, Liste chronologique des romans d'aventures parus dans le Journal des Voyages de 1877 à 1915, in Le Rocambole n° 6, p. 72-78, avril 1999.


Full page lithograph views from ‘Journal des Voyages et des Aventures de terre et de mer’, p.248; This image accompanied the extract from the book of A. de Geriolles : “Manila- Dans le Pacifique”, excerpts of which were pre-published in this French Weekly, created in Paris in July 1877 and discontinued in 1949, after several ownership and editor changes. It mixed realistic tales of travel and exploration with incredible fictions, all abundantly illustrated, often in a fantastic way.


Very good to excellent condition.

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