Pont de Manille (Iles Philippines.) [Manila Bridge (Philippine Islands)


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Author: Casimir Henricy / François Edmond Paris / Nyon [engr] [after Lafond]

Publisher: Admiral Paris (Imprimerie de Ch. Noblet), Paris.

Year: 1883

Size: 10.5 x 17.2 cm [image], 26.2 x 35.2 cm [sheet]

Reference: Forbes 3535; du Rietz 553; Not in Hill; Not in Griffin; Not in Pardo de Tavera [book only]


EXTREMELY RARE – almost impossible to find as a separate print.

View from ‘Album pittoresque d’un voyage autour du monde exécuté par ordre du gouvernement français…’, published by Admiral Paris (Imprimerie de Ch. Noblet), Paris. [Picturesque Album of a Voyage Around the World Executed by Order of the French Government.]
Gravures dessinées par L’Amiral Paris.[Engravings drawn by Admiral Paris]. The circumnavigation by Admiral Paris in the ‘Artémis’ took place between 1837 and 1840. The engravings from the original drawings after Laplace and others include a wonderful view of Manila, a picturesque Honolulu, a chillingly grim view of the penal colony at Port Arthur (Van Diemen’s Land /Tasmania); and the ‘Artémis’ run aground at Papeete (Tahiti); The introductory text by Henricy places each engraving in the context of the route taken by the ‘Artémis’, which visited Sydney as well as Hobart. A luxurious large paper reissue of the finely engraved illustrations originally published in the Laplace edition of 1841. Forbes writes: “This is a deluxe limited edition evidently assembled with the aid of Edmond Paris, who had become a distinguished admiral. Some authorities consider the plates better printed in this edition than in the Laplace text. It has always been a very difficult work to obtain and is found in surprisingly few collections of Pacific voyages”.


cleaned, large paper, wide margins, very good condition.

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