Villabos, Legaspi, Magellan


Author: Jean Mallat / Bayot / Lemercier

Publisher: Arthus Bertrand, editor of the Libraire de la Société de Géographie, Paris

Year: 1846

Size: 21.3 x 15.5 cm (neatline); 24 x 17 cm (plate); 49 x 32 (page)

Reference: Pardo de Tavera 1591; Palau 148.104; Griffin 19 + 48; Phillips 178, 180, & 181; Retana OF 312


original hand-colour lithograph. EXTREMELY RARE costume print from the Atlas “Les Philippines. Histoire, Géographie, Moeurs, Agriculture, Industrie et Commerce des Colonies Espagnoles dans l’Océanie.”, plate no. 1; only edition.


worm tunnel at the bottom right affecting plate; condition considered when pricing.

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