Einfahrt in den Pasig-Fluss in Manila [Mouth of the Pasig River]


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Author: Dr. Karl von Scherzer

Publisher: Carl Gerold in Wien (Vienna).

Year: 1861

Size: 11 x 17 cm

Reference: Lietz, The Philippines in the 19th Century, p. 43; Sabin 77619; Hill II, p. 565; DuRietz, Kroepelien 1155; Borba de Moraes II, p. 619; Koppel 503; Wurzbach 29, 236; Bosch, Brasilien-Bibl. (EA of 1861-62); Bosch, 503; Mendelsohn IV, 144
SKU: 64418 Category: Tags: ,


hand-coloured sepia lithograph view.


Very good to excellent condition.

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