Les Iles [The Islands] 1) Les Philippines Rivière de Davao (Mindanao) [Davao River]. 2) Borneo Un Village à Borneo [A Village in Borneo]. 3) Nouvelle Guinée Village Lacustre de Sowek [Sowek Lake Village]. 4) Formose [Taiwan] Ta-kao. 5) Cuba La Havane [Havana]. 6) La Crète La Canée [Chania].


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Author: Chocolat d'Aiguebelle [after Montano]

Publisher: Chocolaterie d'Aiguebelle in Drôme near Pertuis, France.

Year: c.1910

Size: 6.5 x 11.3 cm [each card]

SKU: 64510 Category:


6 original-colour lithographs on thick cards, with verso text. EXTREMELY RARE and very difficult to find the complete set in such a good condition.

A very collectible set of 6 trade cards including the map of the Philippines and a scene from Dr. Jose Montano’s ‘Voyage aux Philippines’ 1879-81′.
In 1868, the Trappist Monks of Abbey Notre Dame d’Aiguebelle created the Chocolaterie d’Aiguebelle which would exist until 1978 and become the 8th largest chocolate factory in France. To create more sales, they followed the trend of other companies to add collectible chromolithograph cards to their packaging. These now stand out as beautiful examples of simple advertising yet educational lithographic depictions of interesting subjects like travel by French explorers, with maps, natural science topics, etc. Branches in Algeria and Morocco were founded in 1941, when the Abbey could still receive sugar and cocoa, lacking in France during World War II.


Very good to excellent condition.

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