Vom amerikanisch=spanischen Kriegsschauplatz [American-Spanish War Theatre] 1) Eiserne Hängebrücke über den Pasig [Iron Suspension Bridge Pasig]. 2) Eingang des Hafens von Manila [Entrance to Manila Port]. 3) Iris=Strasse in Manila [Iris St. in Manila].


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Author: anonymous [ULM]

Publisher: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart & Leipzig.

Year: 1898

Size: 32 x 23.5 cm

Reference: Lietz, Philippines in the 19th Century, page 116 (1st view only)
SKU: 65003 Category: Tags: , ,


hand-coloured wood engraving view from “Über Land und Meer”; 2nd sem; vol. 80.


Very good to excellent condition.

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