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Hibiscus Mutabilis. – Linn. – Blanco. – DC. Var. Flore Pleno. – Blanco. [Philippine name: Amapola] [English: Confederate Rose / Cotton Rose]
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original-colour chromolithograph. EXTREMELY RARE. Beautiful botanical illustration of small shrubby seashore trees with yellow hibiscus flowers grow on sandy shores around the coast of Borneo from ‘Flora de Filipinas’, Gran edición, vol. 2, p. 338, serial no. 269.
Very few copies of this edition survived the Liberation of Manila at the end of the Second World War.
The Flora de Filipinas is the first locally published book of its kind, a rare monumental compilation on Philippine Botany, in which Blanco describes 1,081 plants.
Francisco Manuel Blanco (1778-1845) was a Spanish botanist and Augustinian friar. His publication Flora de Filipinas’ was the second comprehensive study on flora in the Philippines, after the work produced by Jesuit friar Georg Joseph Kamel.
excellent condition.