Das Geheimnis de San Diego Die Entdeckung eines einzigartigen Schatzes im Chinesischen Meer [The Secret of San Diego The Discovery of a Unique Treasure in the China Sea]


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Author: Frank Goddio

Publisher: Schweizer Verlagshaus, Zurich.

Year: 1996

Size: 22 x 13.4 cm



221 pp., hardbound with coloured dust-jacket, with historical and archaeological articles and numerous coloured photographs of the ship’s contents. ISBN: 3-7263-6699-7.

Condensed German language edition in small format, translated from the French original “La Mystère…”, with 2 copies of antique prints by Olivier van Noort – all in the collection of the Gallery of Prints. This is the incredible story of the discovery and recovery of one of the most important treasures in the History of underwater archaeology. And at the same time a breathtaking historical “crime” story about the adventurous events of the past, skillfully interwoven with our time.


very good condition.

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