Exotische Posten. Was man im Auswärtigen Dienst so alles tun und erleben kann… [Exotic Postings The Many Things You Can Do and Experience in the Foreign Service]


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Author: Peter Scholz

Publisher: EOS Verlag, St.Ottilien (1997).

Year: 1997

Size: 21.5 x 13.2 cm



291pp., hardbound with original protective cover (DJ), with numerous black & white illustrations. ISBN: 3-88096-477-7

Peter Paul Carl Scholz (1930-2019) was a German diplomat, joining the Foreign Office in 1954. In his career, he occupied 13 posts, mostly in Asia and Africa. He was lecturing Legation Councilor in the Foreign Office when he flew to Hanoi in mid-July 1976 to join the Embassy that was only opened on April 20, and from August 23, 1976 as the first ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to represent Vietnam, which was united after the Vietnam War. Ambassadorial posts followed in Antananarivo (Madagascar) from 1979 to 1983 with Mauritius in the official union, and from 1983 to 1986 in Lomé (Togo). His last post from 1986 until his retirement in 1994 was in Manila, Philippines – a long 8 years during the most turbulent post-Marcos period.


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