Philippine Islands Mindanao – West Coast – Basilan Strait to Kamiguin Island Including Tubbataha Reefs. From the United States Coast Survey Charts to 1924 with corrections to 1929


Author: Weller & Addison

Publisher: first published at the Admiralty London, 26th Feb.1925 under the Superintendence of Captain .P. Douglas,C.M.G., R.N., Hydrographer.

Year: 1958 [1924]

Size: 66 x 120.3 cm



lithograph. Map#3811. Large corrections 11th July 1930. Small corrections 1930[many subsequent years stated till] 1957 – Z/c 1958. Seal of the Hydrographic Office – 3 Sea Roses with 360 degrees.


with folds as issued.

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