Die Ostindischen Inseln nach den neuesten Berichtigungen dargestellt [The East Indies Presented According to the Latest Corrections]


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Author: E.A.W. von Zimmermann / [Heinrich] Leutemann [engr.]

Publisher: Gerhard Fleischer d. Jueng., Leipzig.

Year: 1819

Size: 29.7 x 36.2 cm

Reference: Baumgaertel 435; Lanckoronska - Ruemann 142


hand-coloured copper engraving, VERY RARE.

Unusual map of the East Indies, showing the Philippines prominently and still very apparently derived from the Murillo Velarde design, from a travel narrative. Engraved by Leutemann  (1814 – 1850) after F.W. Streit. This same map also appeared in one of the rare later editions of Christian Gottfried Daniel Stein (1772-1839): “Neuer Atlas der ganzen Erde.”, published by Hinrichs Buchhandlung Leipzig in 1837 “The ‘Neuer Atlas’ from the Hinrichs publishing house was one of the most successful atlases in nineteenth century German-speaking Europe. It was produced in various forms for some 65 years [.] the later versions, from the years 1852 to 1879 (the 26th through 35th edition), are rarer” (Espenhorst, PP, 953 und 964)


visible folds as issued, cleaned.

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