- View cart You cannot add another "Durchwachsene Passionblume. Fig. 926. [Marble Passionflower]; Fiederartige Tacsonie. Fig. 927. [Foliage-like Tacsonie]; Kleinster Enzian. Fig. 928. [Smallest Enzian]; Seerosenartige Villarsie. Fig. 929 [Searose-like Villarsie]; Jasminartige Chironie. Fig. 930. [Jasmine-like Chirony]; Dreiblättrige Zottenblume. Fig. 931. [Three-leafed Villi flower]; Stengelloser Enzian. Fig. 932. [Stem-free Enzian]" to your cart.
Amarantus Tricolor. L. [English: Joseph’s Coat] [Belongs to the Kolitis Family]
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original colour chromolithograph.
Botanical print from the EXTREMELY RARE FIRST EDITION of the Album ‘Fruits et Feuillages Choisis de la Flore et de la Pomone de L’ile de Java’, 1st edition, French and English text. Printed from Van Nooten’s original sketches by P. Depannemaeker. Chromolithography by G. Severeyns.
Berthe Hoola van Hooten was born in Utrecht, Holland in 1817. A botanist, author & watercolourist. she was considered a latter-day Maria Sibylla Merian, accompanied her husband to Jakarta (Batavia), capital of Java, in her early twenties, where she painted over 40 fruits & flowers which became the basis for this album. Her husband soon died, and she was left with debt to pay. She had her paintings commissioned into these stunning prints.
“Van Nooten was clearly more than competent, for the splendid tropical plants… have been depicted with great skill. She managed to accentuate the splendour of each species by adopting a style that combined great precision and clarity with a touch of neo-Baroque exuberance, revelling in the rich forms and colours of the tropics.” (L. Tongiorgi Tomasi: An Oak Spring Flora p.330).
with minor foxing.