Zygænidæ – Syntomidæ. Fig. 1. Aglaope Infausta. Fig. 2, a,b. Ino Globulariæ. Fig. 3. Ino Statices. Fig. 4, a, b. Zygæna Minos. Fig. 5. Zygæna Scabiosæ. Fig. 6. Zygæna Achilleæ. Fig. 7, a, b, c. Zygæna Loniceræ. Fig. 8. Zygæna Trifolii. Fig. 9. Zygæna Meliloti. Fig. 10, a, b. Zygæna Filipendulæ. Fig. 11, a. Zygæna Ephialtes, variety Coronillæ. Fig. 11, b. Zygæna Ephialtes (type). Fig. 11, c. Zygæna Ephialtes, variety Peucedani. Fig. 12. Zygæna Carniolica. Fig. 13. Zygæna Fausta. Fig. 14. Zygæna Læta. Fig. 15. Syntomis Phegea. A. Common Bird’s-foot Trefoil. [Lotus Corniculatus.]. B. Mountain Trefoil. [Trifolium Montanum.]. C. Bush Vetch. [Vicia Sepium.]. D. [Globularia Vulgaris.]


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Author: [William Forsell] Kirby

Publisher: Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co. in London.

Year: 1882

Size: 21.7 x 16 cm

SKU: 63894 Category: Tags: , ,


original hand-colour chromolithograph.

An antique print of different butterflies, from ‘European Butterflies and Moths’ plate no. 21 by W. F. Kirby.

William Forsell Kirby was an English entomologist and folklorist. Kirby was an advocate of theistic evolution. In his book Evolution and Natural Theology he argued that evolution and theism are compatible. He noted that creationism was scientifically untenable and refuted its arguments. He viewed nature as a “vast self-adjusting machine”.

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