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Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt über Wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie von Dr. A. Petermann. - Ergänzungsband I, 1860 u. 1861. Inhalt: [Supplement Vol. 1 contents] No. 1. A. Vibe, Küsten and Meer Norwegens. No. 2. J. J. v. Tschudi, Reise durch die Andes von Sud- Amerika, 1858. No. 3. Dr. H. Barth, Reise durch Kleinasien, 1858. No. 4. G. Lejean, Ethnographie de Europäischen Türkei, mit französischem und deutschem Text. No. 5. Dr. Moritz Wagner, Physisch - geographische Skizze des Isthmus von Panama. No. 6. Petermann und Hassenstein, Ost - Afrika zwischen Chartum, Sauakin and Massaua. 1) Members of the Ifugao Tribe of Luzon, The Largest Island of the Philippines, at Work in a Rice-Field: Natives who employ the Marvellous System of Terrace Culvation Constructed on the Hill-Sides by their Ancestors centuries ago. 2) With a row of baskets slung from a beam beneath the hut to receive the heads of his enemies: The Pyramidal and Eat-proof Home of an Ifugao Head-Hunter. 3) "Dogs, Dogs for Sale! Nice Dogs, Excellent Meat; Come Buy Dogs, Dogs, Dogs!": A Dog-Market Among the Ifugao, Who Love Dog Meat, and consider it better still if the animal has been killed slowly by torture. 4) The Strange Funerary Customs of the Ifugao: A Dead Man arranged in a sitting position before his hut, and exposed for twenty-four days before burial. 5) With an enemy's severed head fixed between a buffalo's horns on the top of an upright rod; An Ifugao Priest in a trance beneath the trophy, and Tribesmen clustered round him. 1) Libellules, Fer a Dorer. [Dragonflies, Gilding Iron]. 2) Papillon, Paon, Hippocampes et Libellule, Bijoux. [Butterfly, Peacock, Seahorses and Dragonfly, Jewelry]. 3) Paons, Fer a Dorer. [Peacocks, Gilding Iron]. 4) Chèvres, Bordure. [Goats, Border]. 49