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55 Item(s)
Strassenszene in Manila Nr. 4081 [Streetscene in Manila]
1 x
Von den Philippinen: Plaza Alfonso XII, und südlicher Teil der Stadt Ilo=Ilo mit Aussicht auf die Insel Guimaras [Plaza Alfonso XII, and Southern Part of Ilo-Ilo City with View of Guimaras Island]
1 x
1) Ponape or Ponapei. 2) Wap or Yap. 3) Kusaie. Kuthiu or Ualan. 4) Mokil Is. 5) Pingelap Is. 6) Caroline Islands.
1 x
1) Libellules, Fer a Dorer. [Dragonflies, Gilding Iron]. 2) Papillon, Paon, Hippocampes et Libellule, Bijoux. [Butterfly, Peacock, Seahorses and Dragonfly, Jewelry]. 3) Paons, Fer a Dorer. [Peacocks, Gilding Iron]. 4) Chèvres, Bordure. [Goats, Border].
1 x
The Illustrated London News Vol. 36 - No. 1015
1 x
China Sea - Palawan - East Coast - Port Royalist ( Princesa de Asturias of the Spanish). Surveyed by Comr. W.T. Bate R.N. Assisted by Lt C. Pasco, C. Bullock, Mate & W.B. Colver 2nd Master H.M.S/ Royalist 1850
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Planting Rice in Manilla
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[Emperor Moth]
1 x
[Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly and Caterpillar with Moth]
1 x
1) Cacatoès, Bordure. [Cockatoo, Border]. 2) Chiens, Chevrettes et Marcassins, Cuir Gaufré et Dore. [Dogs, Doe and Boar, Embossed and Gilded Leather].
1 x
Cygne Sauvage [Wild Swan]
1 x
[Boletin] Boletín de la Sociedad Geográfica de Madrid. Tomo XXVIII. Numeros 4.°, 5.°, Y 6.° Abril, Mayo y Junio, 1890.
1 x
Colombes et Lis, Étoffe Imprimée. [Doves and Lilies, Printed Fabric]
1 x
Enciclopedia Hispano-Americana Manual de Barnices y Preparacion de Charoles segun los procederes mas recientes. [Manual of Varnishes and Preparation of Patent Leathers according to the most recent procedures.]
1 x
The Illustrated London News Vol. 32 - No. 897
1 x
[Boletin] Boletín de la Sociedad Geográfica de Madrid. Tomo XXIX. Numeros 1.°, Y 2.° Julio y Agosto, 1890.
1 x
Saxifraga Purpurascens. [Purple Himalayan Saxifrage] [Purple Bergenia]
1 x
1) Members of the Ifugao Tribe of Luzon, The Largest Island of the Philippines, at Work in a Rice-Field: Natives who employ the Marvellous System of Terrace Culvation Constructed on the Hill-Sides by their Ancestors centuries ago. 2) With a row of baskets slung from a beam beneath the hut to receive the heads of his enemies: The Pyramidal and Eat-proof Home of an Ifugao Head-Hunter. 3) "Dogs, Dogs for Sale! Nice Dogs, Excellent Meat; Come Buy Dogs, Dogs, Dogs!": A Dog-Market Among the Ifugao, Who Love Dog Meat, and consider it better still if the animal has been killed slowly by torture. 4) The Strange Funerary Customs of the Ifugao: A Dead Man arranged in a sitting position before his hut, and exposed for twenty-four days before burial. 5) With an enemy's severed head fixed between a buffalo's horns on the top of an upright rod; An Ifugao Priest in a trance beneath the trophy, and Tribesmen clustered round him.
1 x
The Earthquake at Manilla: Ruins of Government Tobacco Store.
1 x
Ports in the Philippine Islands. insets: 1) Luzon I. - West Coast. Manila and Cavite Anchorages. From the United States Government Charts to 1950. With additions and corrections to 1959. 2) Luzon I. - West Coast. Manila Harbour. From the United States Government Charts to 1950. With additions and corrections to 1959.
1 x
Acacia Linifolia [White Wattle or Flax Wattle]
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Philippine Islands. Sibuyan Sea to San Bernardino Strait. From the United States Government Charts to 1934.
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Mapa de Francia
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Rear of Quinta Market - Manila, Island of Luzon, Philippines
1 x
The Philippine Crisis: Scenes of the Conflict. 1. A Filipino Village just outside the American Lines near Manila; 2. Outposts in Touch: American on the near side of the Bridge, Filipino beyond; 3. A Spanish Fort at Manila mounted with old Muzzle-loading Guns; 4. At Cavite: a Spanish Gun-boat “Scuppered” by her Crew.
1 x
Map Showing Operations in the Provinces of North and South Camarines Luzon. P.I. under the direction of Maj. Gen. Bates. (Bell's Exfeditionary Brigade) Feb'y and Mar. 1900. inset: [Albay]
1 x
Mapa de Filipinas, Joló y norte de Borneo
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The Philippine Islands
1 x
Sketch of the Engagement of the Prov. Cavalry Brigade. 1st Div. 8th Army Corps Dec 4, 1899. Prepared under the direction of Brig. Genl. S. B. Young.
1 x
Islas Filipinas inset: Parte Central de la Isla de Luzón
1 x
The Manila Railway Company [1906] Limited. "A" Debenture Bond No. A 12930. £ 100 - with many coupons
1 x
Coucou, des Philippines [Philippine Coucal] [Sabukot/ Tsabukot] [Centropus Viridis]
1 x
Treasures of the San Diego
1 x
Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt. über wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie von Dr. A. Petermann. - Ergänzungsband VI, 1869-71 Inhalt:[Supplement Vol. 6 contents] No. 26. Lindemann, die arktische Fischerei der Deutschen Seestädte 1620-1868 No. 27. Payer, die südlichen Ortler-Alpen No. 28. Koldewey und Petermann, die erste Deutsche Nordpolar-Expedition, 1868 No. 29. Petermann, Australien in 1871. Mit geograph.- statistischem Compendium von Meinicke
1 x
1. Panguingui (Card-playing) in Manilla; 2. Planting Rice in Manilla.
1 x
La Sainte Bible, contenant l'ancien et le nouveau testament. [The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and the New Testament] Version Revue sur les Originaux
1 x
America Septentrionalis Coloniis in Interiorem Virginiam deductis & c Sumptibus Iohannim Michaelim Probst Aug Vind 1782
1 x
Fernando Valdes Tamon. Report in which, by order of his Catholic Majesty (May God protect him), the strongholds, castles, forts and garrisons of the provinces under his Royal Dominion in the Philippine Islands are listed
1 x
Fifty Shades of Philippine Art: Philippine Colonial Photography of The Cordilleras 1860-1930
1 x
Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt. über wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie von Dr. A. Petermann. - Ergänzungsband IX, 1875 Inhalt: [Supplement Vol. 9 contents] No. 39. Petermann, Die südamerikanischen Republiken Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay in 1875. Mit einem geographischen Compendium von Burmeister. No. 40. Waltenberger, Die Rhätikon-Kettle, Lechthaler und Voralberger Alpen. No. 41. Behm und Wagner, Die Bevölkerung der Erde. III No. 42. N. Sewerzow's Erforschung des Thian-Schan-Gerbirgs-Systems 1867. (Erste Hälfe.)
1 x
Palestina in XII. Tribus divisa Iohann Michael Probst excudit Aug. Vind
1 x
[Basilan] [untitled] 1st Lt. H. M. Reeve
1 x
Manila Harbor Complimentary Map of the City of Manila.
1 x
Ein Dorf der Mandaya in Mindanao (Mandaya Village) (nach J. Montano)
1 x
Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt über Wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie von Dr. A. Petermann. - Ergänzungsband I, 1860 u. 1861. Inhalt: [Supplement Vol. 1 contents] No. 1. A. Vibe, Küsten and Meer Norwegens. No. 2. J. J. v. Tschudi, Reise durch die Andes von Sud- Amerika, 1858. No. 3. Dr. H. Barth, Reise durch Kleinasien, 1858. No. 4. G. Lejean, Ethnographie de Europäischen Türkei, mit französischem und deutschem Text. No. 5. Dr. Moritz Wagner, Physisch - geographische Skizze des Isthmus von Panama. No. 6. Petermann und Hassenstein, Ost - Afrika zwischen Chartum, Sauakin and Massaua.
1 x
Morinda Jasminoides [Sweet Morinda] [Jasmine Morinda]
1 x
The Trouble in the Philippines: American Troops Entering San Fernando
1 x
Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt. über wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie von Dr. A. Petermann. - Ergänzungsband X, 1875-1876 Inhalt: [Supplement Vol. 10 contents] No. 43. Sewerzow's Erforschung des Thian-Schan Gebirgssystems. 1867. (Zweite Hälfe.) No. 44. Cernik's technische Studien-Expedition durch die Gebiete des Euphrat und Tigris. (Erste Hälfe.) No. 45. Cernik's technische Studien-Expedition durch die Gebiete des Euphrat und Tigris. (Zweite Hälfe.) No. 46. Bretchneider, die Pekinger Ebene und das benachbarte Gebirgsland. No. 47. Haggenmacher's Reise im Somali-Lande 1874.
1 x
The Renewed Conflict in the Philippines: Scenes of the Engagements on February 4 and 5. 1. Santa Ana. 2. Iloilo. 3. Agoncillo, Filipino Agent at Washington. 4. Village of Santa Mesa, the scene of the first fight on February 4. 5. Paco: The Church and Cemetery.
1 x
Vue Generale de Manille.
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Philippinen - Vulcan von Taal [Taal Volcano]
1 x
Une rue de Davao (sud-est de Mindanao)
1 x
Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt. über wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie von Dr. A. Petermann. - Ergänzungsband VII, 1871-72 Inhalt: [Supplement Vol. 7 contents] No. 30. Petermann, Australien in 1871. Mit geographisch-statistischem Compendium von Meinicke. (2. Abtheilung.) No. 31. Payer, die centralen Ortler-Alpen (Martell etc.) No. 32. C. Sonkar Edl. von Innstädten, die Zillerthaler Alpen. No. 33. Behm und Wagner, die Bevölkerung der Erde. No. 34. Gerhard Rohlfs' Reise durch Nord-Afrika vom Mittelländischen Meere bis zum Busen von Guinea, 1865 bis 1867. 2. Hälfe: Von Kuka nach Lagos.
1 x
Isla de Paragua o Palawan Norte pl. 24 [ Northern Palawan with inset – Bahia de Puerto Princesa]
1 x
A Visual Guide to the Manila-Acapulco Galleons
1 x
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Exacta & accurata delineatio cum orarum maritimarum tum ...
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Insulae Philippinae… [inset: Manila]
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[untitled] Terza Tavola [India Orientalis] [plate 3] [untitl...
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A Visual Guide to the Manila-Acapulco Galleons
Isla de Paragua o Palawan Norte pl. 24 [ Northern Palawan with inset – Bahia de Puerto Princesa]
Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt. über wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie von Dr. A. Petermann. - Ergänzungsband VII, 1871-72 Inhalt: [Supplement Vol. 7 contents] No. 30. Petermann, Australien in 1871. Mit geographisch-statistischem Compendium von Meinicke. (2. Abtheilung.) No. 31. Payer, die centralen Ortler-Alpen (Martell etc.) No. 32. C. Sonkar Edl. von Innstädten, die Zillerthaler Alpen. No. 33. Behm und Wagner, die Bevölkerung der Erde. No. 34. Gerhard Rohlfs' Reise durch Nord-Afrika vom Mittelländischen Meere bis zum Busen von Guinea, 1865 bis 1867. 2. Hälfe: Von Kuka nach Lagos.
Une rue de Davao (sud-est de Mindanao)
Philippinen - Vulcan von Taal [Taal Volcano]
Vue Generale de Manille.
The Renewed Conflict in the Philippines: Scenes of the Engagements on February 4 and 5. 1. Santa Ana. 2. Iloilo. 3. Agoncillo, Filipino Agent at Washington. 4. Village of Santa Mesa, the scene of the first fight on February 4. 5. Paco: The Church and Cemetery.
Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt. über wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie von Dr. A. Petermann. - Ergänzungsband X, 1875-1876 Inhalt: [Supplement Vol. 10 contents] No. 43. Sewerzow's Erforschung des Thian-Schan Gebirgssystems. 1867. (Zweite Hälfe.) No. 44. Cernik's technische Studien-Expedition durch die Gebiete des Euphrat und Tigris. (Erste Hälfe.) No. 45. Cernik's technische Studien-Expedition durch die Gebiete des Euphrat und Tigris. (Zweite Hälfe.) No. 46. Bretchneider, die Pekinger Ebene und das benachbarte Gebirgsland. No. 47. Haggenmacher's Reise im Somali-Lande 1874.
The Trouble in the Philippines: American Troops Entering San Fernando
Morinda Jasminoides [Sweet Morinda] [Jasmine Morinda]
Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt über Wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie von Dr. A. Petermann. - Ergänzungsband I, 1860 u. 1861. Inhalt: [Supplement Vol. 1 contents] No. 1. A. Vibe, Küsten and Meer Norwegens. No. 2. J. J. v. Tschudi, Reise durch die Andes von Sud- Amerika, 1858. No. 3. Dr. H. Barth, Reise durch Kleinasien, 1858. No. 4. G. Lejean, Ethnographie de Europäischen Türkei, mit französischem und deutschem Text. No. 5. Dr. Moritz Wagner, Physisch - geographische Skizze des Isthmus von Panama. No. 6. Petermann und Hassenstein, Ost - Afrika zwischen Chartum, Sauakin and Massaua.
Ein Dorf der Mandaya in Mindanao (Mandaya Village) (nach J. Montano)
Manila Harbor Complimentary Map of the City of Manila.
[Basilan] [untitled] 1st Lt. H. M. Reeve
Palestina in XII. Tribus divisa Iohann Michael Probst excudit Aug. Vind
Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt. über wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie von Dr. A. Petermann. - Ergänzungsband IX, 1875 Inhalt: [Supplement Vol. 9 contents] No. 39. Petermann, Die südamerikanischen Republiken Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay in 1875. Mit einem geographischen Compendium von Burmeister. No. 40. Waltenberger, Die Rhätikon-Kettle, Lechthaler und Voralberger Alpen. No. 41. Behm und Wagner, Die Bevölkerung der Erde. III No. 42. N. Sewerzow's Erforschung des Thian-Schan-Gerbirgs-Systems 1867. (Erste Hälfe.)
Fifty Shades of Philippine Art: Philippine Colonial Photography of The Cordilleras 1860-1930
Fernando Valdes Tamon. Report in which, by order of his Catholic Majesty (May God protect him), the strongholds, castles, forts and garrisons of the provinces under his Royal Dominion in the Philippine Islands are listed
America Septentrionalis Coloniis in Interiorem Virginiam deductis & c Sumptibus Iohannim Michaelim Probst Aug Vind 1782
La Sainte Bible, contenant l'ancien et le nouveau testament. [The Holy Bible, Containing the Old and the New Testament] Version Revue sur les Originaux
1. Panguingui (Card-playing) in Manilla; 2. Planting Rice in Manilla.
Mittheilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt. über wichtige neue Erforschungen auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Geographie von Dr. A. Petermann. - Ergänzungsband VI, 1869-71 Inhalt:[Supplement Vol. 6 contents] No. 26. Lindemann, die arktische Fischerei der Deutschen Seestädte 1620-1868 No. 27. Payer, die südlichen Ortler-Alpen No. 28. Koldewey und Petermann, die erste Deutsche Nordpolar-Expedition, 1868 No. 29. Petermann, Australien in 1871. Mit geograph.- statistischem Compendium von Meinicke
Treasures of the San Diego
Coucou, des Philippines [Philippine Coucal] [Sabukot/ Tsabukot] [Centropus Viridis]
The Manila Railway Company [1906] Limited. "A" Debenture Bond No. A 12930. £ 100 - with many coupons
Islas Filipinas inset: Parte Central de la Isla de Luzón
Sketch of the Engagement of the Prov. Cavalry Brigade. 1st Div. 8th Army Corps Dec 4, 1899. Prepared under the direction of Brig. Genl. S. B. Young.
The Philippine Islands
Mapa de Filipinas, Joló y norte de Borneo
Map Showing Operations in the Provinces of North and South Camarines Luzon. P.I. under the direction of Maj. Gen. Bates. (Bell's Exfeditionary Brigade) Feb'y and Mar. 1900. inset: [Albay]
The Philippine Crisis: Scenes of the Conflict. 1. A Filipino Village just outside the American Lines near Manila; 2. Outposts in Touch: American on the near side of the Bridge, Filipino beyond; 3. A Spanish Fort at Manila mounted with old Muzzle-loading Guns; 4. At Cavite: a Spanish Gun-boat “Scuppered” by her Crew.
Rear of Quinta Market - Manila, Island of Luzon, Philippines
Mapa de Francia
Philippine Islands. Sibuyan Sea to San Bernardino Strait. From the United States Government Charts to 1934.
Acacia Linifolia [White Wattle or Flax Wattle]
Ports in the Philippine Islands. insets: 1) Luzon I. - West Coast. Manila and Cavite Anchorages. From the United States Government Charts to 1950. With additions and corrections to 1959. 2) Luzon I. - West Coast. Manila Harbour. From the United States Government Charts to 1950. With additions and corrections to 1959.
The Earthquake at Manilla: Ruins of Government Tobacco Store.
1) Members of the Ifugao Tribe of Luzon, The Largest Island of the Philippines, at Work in a Rice-Field: Natives who employ the Marvellous System of Terrace Culvation Constructed on the Hill-Sides by their Ancestors centuries ago. 2) With a row of baskets slung from a beam beneath the hut to receive the heads of his enemies: The Pyramidal and Eat-proof Home of an Ifugao Head-Hunter. 3) "Dogs, Dogs for Sale! Nice Dogs, Excellent Meat; Come Buy Dogs, Dogs, Dogs!": A Dog-Market Among the Ifugao, Who Love Dog Meat, and consider it better still if the animal has been killed slowly by torture. 4) The Strange Funerary Customs of the Ifugao: A Dead Man arranged in a sitting position before his hut, and exposed for twenty-four days before burial. 5) With an enemy's severed head fixed between a buffalo's horns on the top of an upright rod; An Ifugao Priest in a trance beneath the trophy, and Tribesmen clustered round him.
Saxifraga Purpurascens. [Purple Himalayan Saxifrage] [Purple Bergenia]
[Boletin] Boletín de la Sociedad Geográfica de Madrid. Tomo XXIX. Numeros 1.°, Y 2.° Julio y Agosto, 1890.
The Illustrated London News Vol. 32 - No. 897
Enciclopedia Hispano-Americana Manual de Barnices y Preparacion de Charoles segun los procederes mas recientes. [Manual of Varnishes and Preparation of Patent Leathers according to the most recent procedures.]
Colombes et Lis, Étoffe Imprimée. [Doves and Lilies, Printed Fabric]
[Boletin] Boletín de la Sociedad Geográfica de Madrid. Tomo XXVIII. Numeros 4.°, 5.°, Y 6.° Abril, Mayo y Junio, 1890.
Cygne Sauvage [Wild Swan]
1) Cacatoès, Bordure. [Cockatoo, Border]. 2) Chiens, Chevrettes et Marcassins, Cuir Gaufré et Dore. [Dogs, Doe and Boar, Embossed and Gilded Leather].
[Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly and Caterpillar with Moth]
[Emperor Moth]
Planting Rice in Manilla
China Sea - Palawan - East Coast - Port Royalist ( Princesa de Asturias of the Spanish). Surveyed by Comr. W.T. Bate R.N. Assisted by Lt C. Pasco, C. Bullock, Mate & W.B. Colver 2nd Master H.M.S/ Royalist 1850
The Illustrated London News Vol. 36 - No. 1015
1) Libellules, Fer a Dorer. [Dragonflies, Gilding Iron]. 2) Papillon, Paon, Hippocampes et Libellule, Bijoux. [Butterfly, Peacock, Seahorses and Dragonfly, Jewelry]. 3) Paons, Fer a Dorer. [Peacocks, Gilding Iron]. 4) Chèvres, Bordure. [Goats, Border].
1) Ponape or Ponapei. 2) Wap or Yap. 3) Kusaie. Kuthiu or Ualan. 4) Mokil Is. 5) Pingelap Is. 6) Caroline Islands.
Von den Philippinen: Plaza Alfonso XII, und südlicher Teil der Stadt Ilo=Ilo mit Aussicht auf die Insel Guimaras [Plaza Alfonso XII, and Southern Part of Ilo-Ilo City with View of Guimaras Island]
Strassenszene in Manila Nr. 4081 [Streetscene in Manila]
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